
شرح موقع edX - كورسات اون لاين مجانية من أفضل جامعات العالم

شرح موقع edX التعليمي

موقع edX هو واحد من أقوي المواقع اللى بتقدم كورسات اون لاين، تم تأسسيه سنة 2012 من جامعة هارفارد و MIT،
برسالة واضحة جدا وهى تسهيل العملية التعليمية للعالم كله من خلال انهم يشيلوا عائق المال او المكان للطلبة،
ويساعدوا الطلبة يتعلموا اى مجال نفسهم فيه من اكبر جامعات العالم مجانا!

الموقع عليه اكتر من 2500 كورس في مجالات مختلفة، وحوالى 25 مليون طالب من جميع انحاء العالم.
موقع النهاردة يعتبر كنز حرفيا، وعمرك ما هتندم على اى ساعة هتقضيها على الموقع ده فى تعلم اى شئ بتحبه.

قبل ما نبدا شرح ممكن تقرا البوست ده، تجربة أحمد عصام مع موقع edX

تجربتي مع موقع edX

التسجيل فى موقع edX

هتدخل علي الموقع من هنا:  https://www.edx.org

الفيديو ده موضح عملية التسجيل على الموقع وكمان موضح كيفية استخدام موقع edX

شهادات موقع edX:

الشهادات زى ما شرحت في الفيديو مش مجانية للاسف، سعرها حوالى 49 دولار، ولكن احيانا بيكون فى عروض تقدر تاخد من خلالها الشهادة مجانا زى ما وضحت في الفيديو السابق.

دى أمثلة لشهادات موقع edX
شهادات موقع edX

الدعم المادي في edX

عشان تحصل على الدعم المالي في edx
بتنزل على الموقع من تحت خالص لحد ماتشوف Help center
هتضغط عليها  هتظهرلك Financial aid Application.

او تقدر تقدم على الدعم من الرابط ده مباشرة: اضغط هنا

اجابات اسئلة الدعم المالى لموقع edX

اجابة السؤال الأول: Tell us about your current financial situation. Why do you need assistance?

Respected Sir/Ma'amAs a student I have no annual income . my family also cannot affair the price of the certificate I am a Pharmacy student. I am interested in this course but I don't have money to pay for a certificate . I need financial aid to begin this course and I promise that I will be active and make full use of this opportunity . thanks. if I have the assistance I will be capable of taking this course and be a great chance for me to learn a lot and improve my skills and be ready for my future job . My father works as a teacher and his annual income just satisfies daily life needs . As my faculty is far from my home I don't have the time to have a part-time job to be able to pay for a certificate . As in Egypt dollar equal twenty pounds which mean that if I have 200 pounds I cannot pay for the quarter of certificate price . I am looking forward to understanding my financial situation and give me the financial assistance that will help me a lot.Awarding this scholarship will make a great contribution to complete this course. This scholarship would allow me to work less and focus more on my studies. Meanwhile, this scholarship will support me to do more on community service and explore my potential in assisting the needs of people. Furthermore, receiving this scholarship will give me more opportunities to attend the conference and expose to newly developed technology. Additionally, awarding this scholarship would further motivate me to pursue academic excellence. I shall be thankful to you for this act of kindness.

اجابة السؤال الثاني: Tell us about your learning or professional goals. How will a Verified Certificate in this course help you achieve these goals?

I am very passionate about teaching and how it can be successfully implemented and managed to help organizations become more efficient and effective. Teaching requires a strong understanding of both technical and practices ( learning as well as communication skills). I am currently pursuing a master's degree with a concentration on structural engineering to acquire a broad range of tall buildings and earthquake resistance structures. I am also engaging in some self online learning courses outside the classroom and participating in a couple of certificate programs so that they can help me with teaching. Although I am very committed to undertaking professional training to fulfill my goals, the expensive cost of some online courses and certification programs had held me back from taking them.
This scholarship will certainly strengthen my opportunity to take multiple online courses and certification programs which I was not able to pay for due to my financial burden. The scholarship can help me further my professional training and certification goals that I have set for myself and will, in turn, help me start a true career in the field of structural engineering as a teacher. This Scholarship can also be used to assist me to pay for my courses this coming spring. Overall, this scholarship will help me accomplish my current goal, move on to the next and eventfully become a successful professional in the teaching field.
I believe my education and experience fit nicely with the scholarship requirements, and I am certain that this scholarship will make a significant contribution to my continuing education.

اجابة السؤال الثالث: Tell us about your plans for this course. What steps will you take to help you complete the course work and receive a certificate?

I plan to complete all assignments on or before time. Also, I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which I have found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online courses I have taken on edX. I am pursuing graduation in structural engineering. Also, I have a keen interest in teaching as well as learning new things. I want to complete the course due to my curiosity and also that I can put a good CV to get applied to a teaching job. This course will boost my job prospects after graduation from my institute. It will help perform better in carrying out in the field of teaching. A verified certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I receive from this course. I plan to complete all assignments on or before time. Also, I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which I have found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online courses I have taken on edX I also plan to grade assignments that are to peer-reviewed which I believe will an invaluable learning opportunity. I will do the course modules daily and try to complete the course before the deadlines specified.A verified certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I receive from this course.I will share my information to help other to learn and work to earn money. I hope that you .give me the chance. And finally I really thank you

بعدها هتقدم الطلب بتاعك وهيردوا عليك في خلال يومين او 4 أيام عمل كحد أقصي.

وهيبعتولك كوبون خصم ٩٠ ف المية من تمن الشهادة ..
الكورس متاح مجانا من غير فلوس ولكن الشهادة بعد الخصم هتدفع ١٠ في المية من تمنها بس حوالى 10 دولار بالكتير.

بعد كدا الكورس هيفضل في حسابك مدى الحياة، تفتحه في أي وقت ومبروك عليك الشهادة.

كورسات مهمة على موقع edX:

  1. ده يعتبر أفضل كورس على الموقع بيتكلم عن CS50 عدد طلاب حوالى 2 مليون طالب، لينك الكورس
  2. ده بردو من أهم الكورسات اللى برشحها، هيساعدك ازاى تتعلم اونلاين بفاعلية: لينك الكورس
  3. كورس عن أساسيات الكومبيوتر والبرمجة، لينك الكورس
  4. ده كورس للناس المهتمة بالبيزنس، لينك الكورس
لو عندك كورسات تانية، رشحها لغيرك فى التعليقات.
